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Compass 8.1, U.S. Edition


TL_-_Compass_8.1Stay current on insurance industry talent news and issues.

The Art of Interviewing: Mastering the Candidate Selection Process

This issue’s feature article covers the all-important interview. Unsuccessful hires are an expensive drain on an organization’s time, resources and energy. Today’s business interviews often prove ineffective in separating the good from the great. How can organizations ensure their interviews produce impactful hires? Jacobson’s Vice President Joyce Dunn shares insights into successful interview strategies and best practices to ensure your organization finds the ideal employee.

PULSE of the U.S. Insurance Labor Market

Unemployment for insurance carriers and related activities in the U.S. decreased to 2.6 percent in December 2014, with the addition of 4,200 jobs.

Read this regular feature for additional highlights on the insurance industry's current labor market situation.

Recent Executive-level Insurance Moves

Browse our list of executives who recently took on new challenges within the industry.

Download Compass for a look at interview strategies along with an update on the insurance industry's talent market.


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